Sewing: Bat Wing Dress
This dress is awesome. Flat out. It’s flattering, soft, and so easy to style. You need to make it! Let’s get sewing this bat wing dress.
I was fiddling around on Pinterest one afternoon and I was looking for a fun project. This dress popped up. Mollytvo has a tutorial, yet, just like most things in life, it wasn’t perfect. I’ve made a few modifications and I’ll fill you in as we go.
What you need
- 2 yards of fabric (with some stretch)
- scissors
- machine
- matching thread
- pins
First – you’ll have to do some measuring. If I were to follow the exact instructions my dress would have ended up being far too short…I think my torso is rather long for my height. I made my body of my dress 20 inches and next time I think I will make it 23-24 that way it’s a bit more baggy in the back. The draping will be nice. Also, I have a butt (as you can see below) so depending on your own body type, you may want to adjust. On my next dress I’ll make my skirt 28 inches (giving me 2 extra inches) that way I won’t always have to wear it with leggings. So, cut out all of your pieces, keeping in mind your own body, and serge with right sides together.
Now, pin right sides together and serge. Be sure to iron all of your seams. Also, on the collar, iron the seam down, that way the collar falls nicely and looks professional.
This was one of the fastest projects I’ve ever worked on – I believe it was the fabulous fabric.
Now, I’m not trying to show off my bum, I just wanted you to see it from the back! See why next time I’ll make it a bit longer!
Happy bat wing dress making.
Ready for the long weekend?! Heck ya.