Juicing – delicious and fresh.

We use our Omega juicer for a lot of things – sauces, soups and juice. The biggest compliant about the juicer, it’s a hassle to clean – yet it’s not that bad at all. These recipes below all taste great – according to me, of course. My favourite? Summer sunrise is refreshing, yet the glass of salsa is a lit of a kick. Try them out and get started today. You’re body will love you for it!
Okay – don’t get me wrong, I love juicing, yet don’t do it every day or anything. Your body needs fibre in order to properly digest all the sugar that’s in a juice otherwise your blood sugar will be all out of sorts. Juice responsibly and knowledgeably and you’ll be in good shape. Usually if I’m enjoying one of the recipes below it’s in combination with a light salad or even just a banana. You can’t really put a banana in your juicer, so just eat it whole and you’ll get all the fibre you need for that meal. See, easy peasy – and all in balance.
Is is summer time? Even if it’s not, the straw-orange is a great choice – it’s like orange strawberry lemonade. So refreshing and so good. The perfect after cutting the grass refreshment, don’t you think? Happy juicing!