Life projects – just the catchall spot for projects of all sorts.
Projects about life – birthdays, weddings and some photos which share some of the challenging events in our lives. Oh, and some flat out awesome tutorials that you’ll want in your life, too. The Yoga and Pilates posts are pretty intense, yet my favourite has to be turning 30. It was such a fun day; so was the Best Birthday.
Life is simply amazing and in short, it’s what we make of it. These projects are an attempt to make the best out of this one life and have a heck of a lot of fun along the way. One of my all time favourite tutorials is the waxed cotton tutorial because you can just about waterproof anything. The apron that I made and then waxed was for Bryce and it’s quite neat. Be sure to check it out along with some other projects below, too. Oh, and as usual, share your projects, too. I love seeing what other’s are up to and what they love to create. Have fun!