Yellow and Green Juice
Juice, again!
The juicer is so easy to use…and so good for you! We were in the city a few days ago and I stopped by Planet Organic to grab some wheatgrass – our local grocery store doesn’t sell it. Boo! Okay, let’s get started on this yellow and green juice.
- pineapple
- lemon
- yellow beets
- wheat grass
- broccolini
I also picked up some yellow beets (which caused some controversy, coincidently, on Top Chef this past Wednesday – “who stole my yellow beets!!”)…and I grabbed some broccolini. Broccolini always reminds me of our wedding – weird, eh. It was the vegetable I had on my selection of coffee crusted duck. Hey – I’ll have to share some wedding photos soon – maybe tomorrow! I always think to share some on the site around our anniversary, but we’re always so busy…or I have other fabulous posts to share!
Okay…back to juice.
The wheatgrass juices so easily and tastes awesome.
We’ve got some pineapple, lemon and some yellow beets to make up the yellow and the green is from the wheat grass and broccolini make up the green. A great balance of yellow and green juice.
This juice is sweet and scrumptious.
I’m sure I’ve said this before, yet most juicers recommend sticking with all fruit or all veggies when you first start out. The different types of acid in each of the foods might be hard for some to digest if they’re mixed. This recipe calls for both fruit and vegetables, yet if you’re a rookie, perhaps stick with one or the other – at least until you’re a seasoned juicer.
Hope you have a great morning and juice up!