Travel: Travel Cambodia by Bus
Travelling Cambodia by bus is actually quite enjoyable. It’s cost effective and efficient. The company I would trust is Giant Ibis – we used them 4 times and all times were amazing, enjoyable and comfortable. Now, this post shows pictures of our return trip from Sihanoukville to Phnom Penh. We took a full sized bus from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, the mini below from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville and back and then a full sized bus from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City.…
Travel: Koh Rong Cambodia Part Two
Okay – now this is the place where one should go if they want to relax! If you read part one, part two is better. The main reason I didn’t pre-book at this place is because they wanted our MC number via email. They suggested we send it like this: 12XXXX – 34 – 56XXX – 78 – 91XXX – 12XXX – 34 – 56XXX. Odd, right? I get it – if you send it that way (or some form of that) it’s far less…
Travel: Koh Rong Cambodia Part One
Koh Rong Cambodia is beautiful and is getting trashed all at the same time. We were there in late April and the weather is perfect that time of year – hot and the sky is bright blue. The trash comes from all the tourists who either don’t pick up after themselves or from the overdevelopment of the island. Most likely, both. When we got off the dock we were a bit nervous – really, this is paradise? Some people were staying in crappy rooms with…
Travel: National Museum of Cambodia
The National Museum of Cambodia is in Phnom Penh, the nation’s capital. The museum is full of historical archives, artifacts and cultural history. It’s beautiful and lacks air conditioning (or, air conditioning that I can feel, at least). We visited on a hot afternoon and spent about 2 hours in the museum – we read a lot of the signs and enjoyed the history. It’s tucked away, yet between Wat Phnom and the Royal Palace. So, not too far out of your way at all.…
Travel: The Killing Fields and Genocide Museum
Visiting these two historic sites, The Killing Fields and Genocide Museum, is hard. Not only because of some of the graphic nature, but also because I’m quite ignorant to the events. Why didn’t I learn about this in school? Disappointing. Both locations offer a guided audio tour which is the best way to enjoy the sites. You can move at your own pace, sit and listen intently or skip over stories that are too tragic for you to handle. There is a private nature to…
Travel: Wat Phnom Phnom Penh Cambodia
Wat Phnom in Phnom Penh Cambodia is a beautiful temple worth visiting. On the afternoon we visited the sun was close to setting casting a light blue hue over the whole place. The grounds are peaceful and many ladies were sitting outside counting money. Wat Phnom, Phnom Penh, Cambodia is the highest religious temple in the city. Well worth the 1$ visit. The View When you first walk up the walkway and the stairs, walk around the temple and take in the view. They city…
Travel: Tea House Phnom Penh
The Tea House Phnom Penh is a delightful urban hotel with a pool, a spa and a good restaurant! The best part of the Tea House is the location. It’s quite central and close to the Lucky Supermarket (they have good snacks). The Entrance Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia and it’s a busy city. The Tea House is on a busy street and it looks rather run down from the outside, however, don’t be fooled – it’s delightful. When you enter you’ll see…