Travel: Victoria Snapshot
Victoria snapshot – here you go. After hiking the West Coast Trail we spent a few relaxing days sightseeing in Victoria, British Columbia. We visited the Royal BC Museum, the Legislative Building and a few parks. Oh, and the food – a few hot spots I’ll for sure share in a Victoria Eats post soon. The neatest thing, though, was mile zero of the Trans-Canada Highway. Such a neat little sign – too cool to miss if you’re ever in the area. Victoria Snapshot The…
Travel: West Coast Trail Snapshot
West Coast Trail – snapshot. If you saw my post last week – West Coast Trail Prep – you know over the past week we’ve been hiking away in the backcountry of Vancouver Island getting muddy, wet and sleeping in a tiny tent. Here’s a picture of our gear. West Coast Trail Snapshot We hiked the trail from south to north – tough to easy – nasty to nice. If we had to do it again, we’d hike the same way. Before the hike I…
Travel: La Perla
La Perla is an authentic Mexican restaurant in Playa del Carmen. Wonderful friends of ours were staying in Cancun during our time in Akumal and we decided to meet halfway in Playa for dinner. This place is on the north end of 5th street – the older end. We took the Colectivo from Akumal and it took us about 50 minutes from door to door. Bugs at La Perla Yes – you read that correctly, bugs. Bryce tacos with crickets and larva – not for…
Travel: West Coast Trail Prep
West Coast Trail Prep – say what? Yes, we’re hiking the west coast trail starting tomorrow. We flew to Victoria with all our gear and are taking the trail bus to Gordon River. Then it’s time for the real work – hiking the 75 KM from south to north. I’m excited! And, there is no way any of this would have been possible without the support of our family. From Christmas gifts to Easter socks, we’re well prepared and know we’re well loved. Links First,…
Project: My Ole Lady the Boler After
It’s done – and sold, yet the work we did on My Ole Lady the Boler is beautiful. Check it out – bright red accents with a light and bright interior. So fun. Oh, and if you haven’t seen the before, you should check that out first; it’s cool to see how much this lady has transformed. My Ole Lady the Boler After We took this shabby paint job, sandpaper, and a lot of time and turned it into a fun little camper. She’s ready…
Project: My Ole Lady the Boler Before
Here we go – My Ole Lady the Boler before. She is dirty, tired and in need of some TLC. She’s from Calgary and the man we purchased her from said “My Ole Lady is making me sell it”…”My Ole Lady this”…”My Ole Lady that”. Too funny; as such, that’s how this Boler got it’s name. My Ole Lady the Boler With old tires, a terrible paint job (someone used house paint to cover the exterior), and well used interior this little trailer is going…
Travel: Best Chicken in Mexico
The best chicken in Mexico. Such a bold statement, right? Well, it’s delicious. Unbelievably tender while being so full of char and flavour. There are a lot of factors that go into the experience of eating. How hungry are you, your mood, is it the first or third time you’re eating the food. Even right down to the weather. On this day I was very hungry. Plus, all I felt like was chicken. Huge craving for chicken. Bryce and I biked through Akumal and decided…