Project: November Intentions
It’s November first and we have a fresh coat of snow on the ground. The day is bright. It’s also a new beginning – new month – new season. I follow Lee from America on Instagram and she usually posts her intentions for the month. I flat out love this. One of my New Year’s resolutions is going start doing this. Then I thought, why wait? Take action now. So, here we are on November first, setting intentions.
November Intentions
Start small and set yourself up for success – that’s what I told myself when deciding to set intentions. I’m starting with five.
The first one is to be present. Whether that means putting my phone down and enjoying the people around me, or not worrying about what might be in five years time, it’s important to be here in the moment right now. On Monday I was working at 5am and I stepped outside around 4:40am – pitch black and the stars just filled the sky. I stopped, looked up and breathed. I was in the moment. The sense of wonder was remarkable and I’ll forever remember that feeling of awe. The bonus part, I wasn’t late for work at all, I was still 4 minutes early.
Paintball with family? Yes – my dad is setting up what will most likely be an epic battle of paintball. I want to play to win, so it’s an intention this month. As is drinking more water. I drink a lot when I’m at home, yet at work hours seem to pass before I even think of it. I need to drink more water, oh, and finish a book!
Yoga time! Looking forward to getting back on my mat, even if it’s only twice this month.
Overall, putting what I intend to do this month down on paper will hold me accountable. I look forward to the month, slowing down and enjoying the view through my own eyes.
Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful November!