Sewing: Valentine Pajama Pants
Valentine Pajama Pants – who doesn’t love to get cozy with their loved one? Here I share a pattern I use and also a way to quickly make it yourself if you don’t want to run out in the cold to buy it. The first step, however, is to find a cute flannel fabric.
What You Need
- 2-3 yards of flannel
- machine
- matching thread
- pins
- elastic waist band (your waist size minus 1-2 inches)
- scissors
This is the cute fabric I found at Fabricland – they were actually just pulling it out of the back while I was shopping. Score!
Next – either use a pattern or make one – I did both below.
If you don’t have a pattern, gab a pair of pants that fit you. Fold then in half. Now, you’re going to cut 2 pieces, so be sure your fabric is doubled up – I’m specifically talking about the navy with the pink hearts.
Put the butt part as close to the raw edge as possible – leave about an inch of space – for the seam allowance. Cut the butt side. Now, flip the pants over, putting the butt on the opposite side. Cut again, leaving the 1 inch space.
For a bit of fun and detail, I added a cuff piece – just some fleece that I had in my scrap box. The nice part about adding it is that you don’t have to hem the bottom. Simply cut a piece of fleece and fold it in half like a hot dog. Then, stitch the two ends to the right side of the bottom of the pant leg. Ta-da…a neat little cuff.
Pin on a pocket if you wish – do this before you attach the pant legs. I added a pocket on the red heart ones, yet not on the pink heart pair.
Okay – time to sew up.
Take one pant leg and fold it right sides together. Stitch along the leg seam (not the crotch). Do this to the other leg, too. Now, turn one right side out and tuck the right side out one into the wrong side out pant leg (thus, right sides will be together). Line up the centre seam and stitch.
Now, you basically have pants! All we need to do is create the casing, sew on a label and feed the elastic waistband though.
Add you label now, before you create the casing.
Also – you’ll notice that top is all serged – I do this to create a more polished look on the inside. The first time I ever made my husband pajama pants I didn’t do this – after wash or two the inside got all frayed…not so nice. If you serge the edge, it won’t fray.
To make a casing – I used 1 inch elastic, so I folded down the top of the pants by 1.25 inches and pined. Then, top stitch (it’s handy to stitch from the inside of the pants, and follow the serged edge, that way you know you’re fully cased. Be sure to leave about 2 inches open to feed your elastic through.
See how nice the casing looks? All polished. Feed the elastic through, stitch the opening closed and you’re done!
Keep warm and snuggle up this Valentine’s Day.
Visit next time for a sweet pink treat.
See you soon.