Travel: Old Town Hoi An Vietnam
You can’t visit Hoi An Vietnam without visiting Old Town – you simply need to see it. You’ll have to buy a ticket at one of the three entry points for 6$ and along with it you’ll get access to 6 historic sights. Here are some pictures from our visit.
Old Town
You’ll enter the Old Town one of three ways – we entered through this narrow little walk way. Your hotel will give you a map, so you’ll know where you’re going.
The streets are full of so much colour – look at all those flowers!
Old Town is full of a lot of shopping – and you can’t take pictures inside the store unless you’re going to buy.
I took pictures of these shoes without buying and got shooed out of the store.
The Japanese Covered Bridge is a historic landmark in Hoi An and is more than 400 years old.
The night markets across from Old Town are worth checking out, too. The paper lanterns are so beautiful. I so wanted one, yet didn’t have the ability to bring it home in my carryon backpack. Bummer.
This is one of the sites you can see with your 6 tickets. It’s someone’s house that’s been in Old Town for a very long time. I’ll admit, it was a little awkward walking around someone’s house, especially when they’re trying to sell you small touristy items, yet we remained polite.
Overall, Old Town Hoi An Vietnam is well worth the 6$ it’ll cost you. Plus, your ticket is good for a week, so you’ll have time to visit and see all you want. Great eats and wonderful coffee. If you’re in Hoi An Vietnam, don’t forget about this UNESCO World Heritage site – visit Old Town. Happy travelling and be sure to check out my other travel posts! Bye for now.