• Flannel Mittens: 3ten.ca

    Sewing: Week Forty Five: Plaid Flannel Mittens

    Plaid flannel mittens are fun and easy to make. The project, beginning to end took me about 1 hour. That includes finding a pattern and then cutting it out. So, let’s get started on this sewing project! What You Need pattern plaid flannel (about 1/3 of a yard) warm fleece (about 1/3 of a yard) ribbing (about 1/3 of a yard) machine serger matching thread pins scissors First – this project is adapted from Beth’s ‘Smittens’ which are made out of sweaters. These are made…

  • Tea House Hotel: 3ten.ca

    Travel: Tea House Phnom Penh

    The Tea House Phnom Penh is a delightful urban hotel with a pool, a spa and a good restaurant! The best part of the Tea House is the location. It’s quite central and close to the Lucky Supermarket (they have good snacks). The Entrance Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia and it’s a busy city. The Tea House is on a busy street and it looks rather run down from the outside, however, don’t be fooled – it’s delightful. When you enter you’ll see…

  • 3 Weeks in Southeast Asia: 3ten.ca

    Travel: 3 Days in Phnom Penh

    Three days in Phnom Penh Cambodia is just the right amount of time. The city isn’t bike friendly, like Siem Reap, however, there are a lot of tuk-tuks for you to take. Overall, this was a hard location since we visited both the Choeung Ek Genocidal Centre (the Killing Fileds) and the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, yet it’s worth the visit. The Tea House This is our delightful hotel for 3 nights and it only cost us about 32$ Canadian each night. Pool – check.…

  • Sewing

    Sewing: Week Forty Four: Purse Pouches

    Purse pouches – the greatest way to keep your purse organized. Between work, school and life my purse can sometimes get over run with stuff. These purse pouches are here to save me. I made two of them – one for personal stuff like lipgloss, tampons and meds. The other for work – pens, all of my work keys and zip drives. This way, when I need to grab something it’s far easier to be found. Okay, let’s get started! What You Need about a…

  • Athletic Headband: 3ten.ca

    Project: Tutorial Thursday

    Tutorial Thursday – why not? Let’s throwback to some of my most popular tutorials on this find Thursday morning. Headbands Three headband tutorials on the blog and all three are below. The athletic headband, the wide headband and the crossover headband. My favourite is the athletic one, however, I’m not too sure why. Yet, it’s the one I wear the most. Click the photos below to be taken to the headband specific tutorial. The tutorial above is one of my most popular. It’s quick, easy…

  • Red Bean Dip: 3ten.ca

    Recipe: Gluten Free Red Bean Dip

    Gluten free red bean dip is spicy and filling. Packed with protein and flavour it’s sure to please. Kidney beans sometimes get a bad rep (I’m not too sure why), yet in this recipe they certainly shine. Make this for an after work dinner party or for game night. It’s good, trust me. Ingredients 15 oz can of kidney beans a small white onion 1 1/2 tablespoons of chopped garlic 2 tomatoes 1 red chile 1/2 a cup of red wine vinegar 2 tablespoons of…

  • Zip Infinity Scarf: 3ten.ca

    Tutorial: Week Forty Three: Zip Infinity Plaid Scarf

    Zip infinity plaid scarf for fall. This scarf is cozy and versatile, not to mention the zip that adds a bit of style. The idea for this scarf is from lululemon and all of their snap scarfs, for me, however, I want a zipper. Thus, this zip infinity scarf. Let’s get sewing! What You Need 1 yard of 60 width plaid fabric 1 separating zipper 12 inches or longer serger machine zipper foot coordinating thread hand needle First, wash and dry your fabric – and…