Travel: War Remnants Museum Ho Chi Minh City
The War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City is a must visit if you’re in Vietnams capital. We spent about 2 hours here reading and observing. We didn’t do a lot of talking until after. Also, the pictures below aren’t the best quality. It’s challenging to walk around this museum, filled with so much anguish and focus on taking pictures. Not to mention that I’m a born Canadian who also holds a United States passport – I could feel the stares.
War Remnants Museum
The museum closes for lunch each day, so be sure to visit either in the am or just after 1:30pm, when lunch is over.
Also, do the museum in order – there is a map as soon as you walk in with numbered areas. It will walk you through the war in timeline fashion, which worked better for my understanding.
I’m not going to say a lot other than what I learned what heartbreaking. I’ll let the pictures and captions speak for themselves.
The museum is a hard place to visit, yet that’s no reason to shy away from the perspective of Vietnam. I learned a lot visiting the War Remnants Museum and should you ever be in the area, you should visit, too.