Travel: Townsville Snapshot
Townsville snapshot – one of the largest cities in Northern Queensland, Townsville has a population of around 200K. It’s a delightful city with so much to do! Museums, The Strand, and hikes. Okay, let’s check out some photos! Townsville Snapshot We had an awesome time hiking up Castle Hill, but it was tough. See that photo above – we climbed that! So many stairs – over 500 of them. We hiked up, walked down, then hiked up the other side and walk down where we…
Travel: Cairns Snapshot
Cairns snapshot – what a beautiful city serving as the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef! We landed in Cairns (via Vancouver and Brisbane) on Sunday and spent three peaceful nights, and four days exploring. Let’s check out a few highlights!! Cairns Snapshot First up, we got settled in our apartment, fully equipped with a stove, oven, and all the necessary kitchen tools. We had some delicious meals out in the city, yet some simple breakfasts at home – plus, snacks! On our first full…
American Thanksgiving 2022
American Thanksgiving 2022 is full of some old classics. From my Nana’s gravy mug to some good old fashioned cornbread, this meal is flat out comfort food. Let’s get cooking! Recipes These recipes might not be too fancy, but the food is comfort for the soul! A few weeks ago at work we had a Wellness Wednesday event that was focused around cooking. One of my fellow colleagues asked – what’s your favourite meal?! Many shared about Mom’s or Grandma’s cooking. It’s so clear that…
Travel: Omaha Dinner Eats
Omaha dinner eats – some of the best restaurants in Omaha for dinner. My favourite? M’s Pub! Yet I’ll share a few other top picks, too. Okay, let’s check out some awesome eats. Oh, and don’t forget to check out Omaha Breakfast or Omaha Lunch eats if you haven’t already. Omaha Dinner Eats M’s Pub The Boiler Room Jams First, M’s Pub is great for a casual dinner, especially if you’re in the Old Market. It’s classic old-school pub food, with meat sandwiches, french onion…
Travel: Durham Museum
Durham Museum – it’s an old train station, one utilized by Union Pacific Railway, that’s been turned into a museum. It’s a must see if you’re in Omaha. The historical architecture is beautiful. Okay, let’s check out some photos. Durham Museum Nothing better than snagging a quick pic of the entry and having my amazing husband strike a pose. I love this guy! Side note here, one mistake we made while travelling around Omaha was not bringing my backpack. When we visited the Old Market…
Travel: Bob’s Bridge
Bob’s bridge joins Nebraska and Iowa and spans across the Missouri River for a total of 0.9 kilometres. Visit at night when it’s cool and the lights reflect off the water. Okay, photo time! Bob’s Bridge Check out this welcome sign – there are a few on the bridge – and you better bet I got stickers! The bridge is beautiful at night, and it’s not as busy, either. The Nebraska side has a lot of seating, where as the Iowa side has a lot…
Travel: Kenefick Park
Kenefick Park is home to the greatest locomotives to power the Union Pacific Railroad, and it’s right beside the Lauritzen Gardens and the Marjorie K Daugherty Conservatory. These trains are massive, let’s climb the stairs and check these beasts out. We almost didn’t visit the park, the stairs (there’s a lot of them) looked daunting after a long morning in the sun and I’ll admit, we were hungry. Knowing we probably wouldn’t be visiting Omaha again, we hustled up the stairs and were pleasantly surprised.…