Photos: Festival of Trees
The Festival of Trees in Edmonton is a huge University Hospital event. They raise more than one million dollars each year and the trees are beautiful. This year they raised enough money to drastically help the Rapid Transfer Unit at the University of Alberta Hospital. Basically, the Festival of Trees is a total bonus for making a small donation to a worthy cause.
Okay – let’s check out some of the trees!
Festival of Trees
This one below is my favourite. Such a plaid little farmhouse tree with owls. It fits my style and it’s adorable.
Skating? Yes! Oh, you mean only cute little deer can skate…bummer.
These little elves are painting away. Too cute.
Okay, these next two trees are pretty creative. One is upside-down and the other is the bottom of a dress. I for sure thought the dress one was sponsored by a bridal shop, but nope. Wouldn’t that be an awesome holiday display though if you owned a little dress boutique? So fun.
Well, that’s it – just a few photos of our trip to the Festival of Trees. Know this, it’s busy anytime you go and parking downtown can be a bit tricky, yet it’s worth it. Check it out next year if you get the chance. Time to get festive! Thanks for visiting.

One Comment
Hey loved the tour. Watch for Christmas presents coming soon