Photos: Moose 2.0
Moose 2.0
We had visitors on the weekend! Two moose were in our yard. So fun! A couple of years ago they (or maybe other members of their family) were here, too. The pictures were a bit better a couple of years ago, but that’s because I had Bryce’s help to keep the pups quiet.
This time, Bryce was working nights, so sleeping at 9am and Bella and Lily were in the house barking up a storm. It’s a wonder I got any shots at all, really.
Look at those ears – one back and one forward…listening to all the noises of nature and perhaps the clicking of my camera.
Oh – running away. I was sure not to get between the two in our yard – that would be bad, very bad.
She’s so big!
Funny part – I took a couple of shots while the moose was in the back of our property, then I walked inside and got Lily and Bella. I was pretty sure the moose had taken off. Oh no! The moose was still there! Lily, the rascal that she is, took off towards the back of the property. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the moose. Then, she ran back to me like a scaredy-cat. She could probably sense the uneasiness in my voice calling her ‘Lily – get over here, Lily!’ because as soon as she saw me, she turned into Lily Cat the hero and bolted towards the moose. It took off and hopped over the fence and Lily just kept barking. Bella, the smartie she is, held down the property at the front.
All in all, a lot of fun while the man of the house was sleeping.
This photo below is from the photos a couple years ago – check it out, too. Moose Photos.
I still need to frame the one below – it’s so beautiful.
Thanks so much for visiting! It’s so fun to share with you. Happy Wednesday.