Project: Benny the Boler Before
Benny the Boler
Meet Benny the Boler before his makeover. We picked up this 1974 Boler last August in Calgary. It was so bad we needed to tow it home on a flatbed. Thankfully we own one. From a cracked frame, to a wonky closet and even original cushions you’ll be impressed how great Benny looks after. Take a peek through all of these before pictures and then visit again on Saturday to check out the after. It’ll be so fun!
These curtains are yucky. A pink mess. They’re going to hit the trash, for sure.
So dirty – first thing we need to do is clean it out.
Yay! This Boler fits in the shop. Sweetness! We were excited Benny fit in the shop so we could work on him over the winter. Just let a little air out of the tires and ‘poof!’.
Well, at least we know there is some space in there.
And the bunk will work – seems to be holding up all of those cushions rather nicely.
Time to get the frame out. We did this ourselves, or I supervised more or less.
This project took on a whole lot of frame work. Safety first, right? Check back on Saturday to see the after results – it’ll be worth it! Then you can say goodbye to Benny the Boler before.
Thanks for visiting and I’ll see you again soon.