Kyoto Tower

Travel: Kyoto Tower

Kyoto Tower

Kyoto Tower is a sight – it 100% reminds me of the Jetsons, much like the Seattle Space Needle. Get tickets and get ready to see Kyoto from above – we spent about 30 minutes here, it’s not that big of a place, and it’s worth visiting at night (and during the day, if you’ve got time).

Photo time!

Kyoto Tower

That’s Kyoto Station – the epic glass looking building?! So many trains and so many people. I couldn’t believe how big Kyoto was until I saw it from the tower.

Kyoto Tower

First, enter through the side doors and follow the signs to the elevator – you can’t miss it.

Kyoto Tower
Kyoto Tower

Next, grab you tickets and then jump on the next elevator up to the 100m observation deck.

Kyoto Tower

Then, walk around and take photos! It doesn’t take long to check out the city – the tower is small especially compared to some of the other observation spaces we’ve visited. Still worth visiting, though.

There are a bunch of games on the inside section if you’re up for a longer visit. We checked out a few, yet it was quite busy so when space opened up on the window side, we took every opportunity to check out the view.

Travel Japan
Kyoto Tower

Here we are being goofy!

Kyoto Tower

It’s wild how there’s only one major thoroughfare through the city, well for cars, that is – for trains, the station is massive and there are a lot of trains coming and going quite often.

When we were travelling we’d add an extra 15 minutes to our trip simply because we had to navigate through all the people in the station. Google Maps might say it’s 5 minutes, yet it doesn’t account for all the people, at least not yet.

Travel Japan
Kyoto Tower

The neat thing about seeing the tower on our first night in Kyoto was that we got to keep seeing it light up each night as we travelled through Kyoto Station quite often. It’s a landmark, that’s for sure.

Thanks for stopping by – see you again soon.

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