Travel: University of Alberta Botanical Gardens
The University of Alberta Botanical Gardens are such a wonderful place to visit – and every season is a different experience! We visited at the end of fall and guess what – for about two weeks each fall they allow dogs to visit for free – cool, eh? Daphne got to explore the gardens with us – it was so much fun! Okay, let’s check out some photos.
University of Alberta Botanical Gardens
You’ll probably want to spend about an hour and a half – 2 hours here, walking around, exploring the various gardens. The Kurimoto Japanese Garden is my favourite and we stopped there first, when the sun was high in the sky. Such a beautiful day.
Look how excited Daphne is – just wanting to run and play. Sorry, sweet girl, you need to stay on a leash here, but we’ll walk and walk so you can explore your little heart out.
Below would have been such a great spot for a picnic – but you’re not allowed to bring in a full meal (snacks and a blanket are a-okay, though!).
The rest of the gardens were great, too and Bryce and I were on the lookout for a tree or shrub that looks good in the fall and winter to add to our yard and the one below we both liked – it’s so stuby!
All in all, we had a delightful visit on a warm October afternoon – so much fun. We even tried to get a decent family photo – check out our attempts and the best one below.
Well, there you have it – a small place to visit if you’re even in the Edmonton area – worth it! Plus, the Botanical Gardens offer neat experiences like dining under the northern lights and other fun events.
Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you again soon – bye for now!