• Projects

    Garage Sale Juicer

    Grage Sale Juicer Last weekend the end of our road had a garage sale sign on it. Why not swing by? Usually we keep an extra 5 or 10 dollar bill in the glove box for an emergency – a garage sale is an emergency, right? I think so. 2$ for a juicer?!! Really. Yes! It’s a bit beat up and the owner can’t recall if it works; but, for 2$ – less than a cup of coffee, I’ll take the risk! Plus, look how…

  • Citrus Beet Salad: 3ten.ca

    Recipe: Beet Salad

    Summer is not over! Salads on the deck are blissful…and this beet and spinach salad is a sure summer treat. Ingredients 3-4 beets 1 bag of spinach 1 1/3 cup of orange juice (fresh squeeze if you like – I just didn’t have my juicer yet) 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil (I use omega oil) 1.5 tablespoons of fennel seeds salt and pepper Peel the beets and then cut them up into small squares. Cook covered at 375 for 1.5-2 hours or until…