Recipe: Summer Cesar Salad
Summer cesar salad – a fresh and fruit filled dish. It’s perfect for summer BBQs, or as a side for lunch. Take out the croutons and replace them with berries, and for the bacon lovers, some hearty peaches or nectarines will add some punch. Let’s get cooking! Ingredients 2 heads of romaine lettuce 2-3 tablespoons of cesar dressing medium nectarine 1/2 cup of blueberries 1/3 cup of parmesan cheese First, chop and wash the lettuce. Then, prep the rest of the ingredients. For the dressing,…
Travel: Omaha Snapshot
Omaha snapshot! Why Omaha, Nebraska you ask? Well, why not – they have an incredible zoo, some awesome museums, and some mighty-fine midwest food. Plus, the pedestrian bridge to Iowa is quite cool. Check out some of our photos below! One things for certain, it’s awesome to travel again. The last time we were out of the country was in January 2020 when we travelled to Las Vegas. That was a wonderful trip! Okay, back to Omaha. You know what’s wild here, the heat. It’s…
Recipe: Cheesy Monkey Bread
Cheesy monkey bread – the perfect pull-a-part treat. It’s delicious and fluffy right out of the oven, and a super-duper snack for lunches, or a potluck. I used a lot of cheese (who doesn’t love cheese!) and it turned out so well. Okay, let’s bake up. Ingredients 20 frozen dinner rolls 4 tablespoons of melted butter 200g of yellow cheddar cheese 100g of old cheddar cheese First, you want to use the frozen dinner rolls that aren’t baked up – the bag usually has exactly…
Travel: 4 Days in Tofino
Four days in Tofino – one of the best places to eat, hike, and explore. Below I share some photos of our extra long weekend from back in April. We ate such delicious food, hiked some amazing trails, and explored off the beaten path and had an adventure. Let’s check out some photos! First, though – here are some things to do in Tofino if you are trip planning. Four Days in Tofino Middle Beach Lodge National Pacific Rim Hike Ucluelet Wild Pacific Trail Ucluelet…
Photos: Daphne Turns Three
Daphne turns three! The last year has been a blast with this sweet pup – from longer sleep-ins, to longer hikes, this pup is ready for her best year yet! Okay, let’s check out some photos from the past year. Daphne Turns Three First up, she ate Bear’s nose. This is my stuffie from when I was born, Tiger’s fan an all. Well, Daph-Daph snagged Bear one day and nibbled at his nose until it came off. Not to worry, Bryce just crazy-glued it back…
Recipe: Independence Day Treats
Independence Day treats! These red, white, and blue cookies are just for you. For your next BBQ, or even your long weekend road trip, these treats will help you celebrate in a fun and easy way. Plus, no need to turn on the oven! Okay – let’s get treat making. Ingredients 12 cookies 1/2 cup of candy melts 1-2 tablespoons of red, white, and blue sprinkles First, just as with the Canada Day Treats, lay out some parchment paper and mix the sprinkles in a…
Recipe: Canada Day Treats
Canada Day treats! Looking for a quick and easy recipe to add to your long weekend BBQ, or perhaps your upcoming camping trip? Well, you can stop looking! Let’s get dipping. You can use any cookies you like, but I used gluten free Oreos and Glutino vanilla (actually, I think they were lemon) wafers. The chocolate is gluten free, too – yet you’re looking for chocolate candy melts, or any chocolate that will melt well. Okay – let’s get to it. Ingredients 12 cookies 1/2…