Recipe: Cheesy Monkey Bread
Cheesy monkey bread – the perfect pull-a-part treat. It’s delicious and fluffy right out of the oven, and a super-duper snack for lunches, or a potluck. I used a lot of cheese (who doesn’t love cheese!) and it turned out…
Travel: 4 Days in Tofino
Four days in Tofino – one of the best places to eat, hike, and explore. Below I share some photos of our extra long weekend from back in April. We ate such delicious food, hiked some amazing trails, and explored…
Photos: Daphne Turns Three
Daphne turns three! The last year has been a blast with this sweet pup – from longer sleep-ins, to longer hikes, this pup is ready for her best year yet! Okay, let’s check out some photos from the past year.…
Recipe: Independence Day Treats
Independence Day treats! These red, white, and blue cookies are just for you. For your next BBQ, or even your long weekend road trip, these treats will help you celebrate in a fun and easy way. Plus, no need to…
Recipe: Canada Day Treats
Canada Day treats! Looking for a quick and easy recipe to add to your long weekend BBQ, or perhaps your upcoming camping trip? Well, you can stop looking! Let’s get dipping. You can use any cookies you like, but I…
Travel: Little Qualicum Falls
Little Qualicum Falls hike – it’s just outside of Victoria and a great place to hike, have a picnic, and stretch your legs. The rushing water is calming and the greenery is rich. Check out our photos below and hike…
Travel: Tofino Eats
Tofino eats – here are some of the restaurants we ate at while in Tofino. From high end, to casual dining, all the food was fantastic! Alright – here are photos from our top three restaurants in Tofino. Tofino Eats…