Travel: Durham Museum
Durham Museum – it’s an old train station, one utilized by Union Pacific Railway, that’s been turned into a museum. It’s a must see if you’re in Omaha. The historical architecture is beautiful. Okay, let’s check out some photos.
Durham Museum
Nothing better than snagging a quick pic of the entry and having my amazing husband strike a pose. I love this guy!
Side note here, one mistake we made while travelling around Omaha was not bringing my backpack. When we visited the Old Market on the Saturday morning I bought a loaf of gluten free sourdough. The issue? It was heavy and awkward to carry. Then, on this outing (you’d think I’d learn) I bought gluten free biscuits from the Gravy Train – check out Omaha Lunch Eats – and Bryce was a rockstar who carried them. Okay, back to photos of the museum.
The entry was is stunning. If you don’t have time to visit, or don’t want to pay for the admission, just walk in the doors and look around. The lobby is the best part. I enjoyed reading and learning about Omaha’s history (and having some children make fun of phones with cords – I feel old!), yet the lobby is just breathtaking.
Okay, let’s check out some of the exhibits.
From buffalo, to old cars and trucks, Omaha’s history is vast. Food, culture, and transportation link so many different sectors. There are about 4 major areas in the basement, plus the special addition room, so give yourself 60-75 minutes to take it all in. Walking the trains was my favourite part of the basement area.
Okay, now for more photos in the lobby – check out this panoramic shot!
If you zoom in close to the board above, you can see that some of the tickets are only a few dollars. Wild! I was also impressed with the various routes, so much travel happening. Very cool.
Well, there you have it, a handful of photos from our visit to the Durham Museum. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you again soon!