Photos: Daphne Gets a Haircut
Daphne gets a haircut! Well, this is her fifth big haircut and she’ll be two in July. She’s an Afghan Hound and her hair keeps growing and growing. She’s such a pretty pup, but her long hair is a magnet for sticks (sometimes branches), dirt and all things wilderness. Back in late April she got a haircut and looks like a totally different pup – same sassiness, though – no worries there!
Okay, let’s check out some before photos.
This bed is her favourite – and I know what you’re thinking, it looks like she doesn’t fit. She does and no matter where I move the bed she finds it post dinner and has a pre-bed snooze.
Here she is keeping an eye on us cooking dinner in the kitchen. Look at how fluffy her paws are – they’re so big for such a light (48 pounds) pup!
Look how shaggy she is – I love her like this, however, it’s takes way too long to give her a bath. With her hair this length it takes about 75 minutes to give her a bath and a blowout.
Okay, time for the after.
Here we are post haircut – see, the sassiness is 100% still there!
And her bed – see, she totally fits.
The best thing to do after a haircut is to have fun, roll around outside, get a little messy, but most of all, having fun is the best. This is a ball Daphne found in the woods, it’s her favourite new outdoor toy. This pup is the sweetest, spunkiest and sassiest of them all. Daphne, haircut or no haircut, I love you. But with shorter hair bath time is faster leaving us more time to play, so I vote haircut!
Thanks so much for stopping by – if you want to see a little video of Daphne before and after her haircut, then check out her Instagram post – she’s ridiculous.
Hope to see you soon – bye for now!