Photos: Daphne the Afghan Hound
Daphne the Afghan Hound – she’s one of the sweetest, goofiest, and weirdest dogs ever. And, she’s our new pup.
In December Bryce and I were busy – so busy with work and since it had been more than two years since we said goodbye to Bella, and about 20 months since we said goodbye to Lily, we thought – hey, let’s get a dog to help slow us down. After a dinner out and over tacos we decided on an Afghan Hound. Now, where to find one?
Dinner was on a Wednesday and by Thursday evening I had emailed a breeder in Pennsylvania. Being December, it was a whirlwind to get Daphne home with travel restrictions for pets. All in all, we made it safely.
Okay…time for photos.
Daphne the Afghan Hound
Here we are outside of the PetSmart in Pennsylvania only having met 3 hours prior.
And here is Bryce holding her on her first night in our home – in her new home!
Welcome to Alberta, sweet one! We can’t believe how much you love the snow.
One thing we did, and we would recommend this to anyone thinking of getting a dog, was local research. We take Daphne to doggie daycare. Yes, I know. We both work and don’t want her home for 8 hours alone. So, any day where she’d be home alone for more than 4-5 hours, it’s off to daycare she goes. And, she loves it.
They’re open from 5:30am – 8:45pm and they offer boarding, too. When we went to Las Vegas for 4 days she spent 4 nights there and had so much fun. They send daily report cards with photos of her – it’s so great. Plus, it’s great for socialization. The one thing is, she needs a bath after a couple of days at daycare. Look how skinny she is!
Overall, we’re so happy to have her as part of our little family. Don’t get us wrong, having a dog is a lot of work, responsibility, and it takes commitment; yet it’s so awesome to have a snuggle buddy or to head out for walkie walks.
Daphne, you’re one of a kind and we’re so happy you’re here – look at this face!
Thanks so much for visiting. If you want to see more photos of Daph-Daph, or Daffer – that’s what we call her sometimes – you can check out her Instagram. She’s @daphne.the.afghan. See you again soon!

Barry William Rushon
Cutie parities. She sure looks like she is enjoying life. Way to go Daffer
She loves life so much! 🙂