Photos: Dogs of Instagram
Dogs of Instagram – who doesn’t love following sweet fur pups? Well, since this past Saturday was National Puppy Day, I thought I’d share a few of my favourites. Following these four paw friends is so fun – they brighten my day for sure. It’s been almost a year since we’ve been without a pup in the house, so this is my way to stay connected to the cuteness and all the fuzzy feels. It can be sad without a pup since I sometimes wonder – who to give that last bit of cheese to, or even who to share my popcorn or salt and vinegar chips with? I miss Bella and Lily so much at times.
Don’t get me wrong, not having a dog has been good, too. We’ve been travelling a lot, having long date days, and watching far less TV. It’s all about the balance, yet I’m sure there will be a pup in our future. How soon? I’m not too sure.
In the mean time, I follow these five accounts on Instagram to get my dog fix and I thought I’d share them with you. Happy scrolling.
Five Dogs of Instagram Accounts
Ella is a classic Great Dane, especially with her facial expressions. I love the markings around her eyes and her lazy looks.
Scout is so young, playful and full of spunk. I’m sure he stays active and tuckers his owner out.
You know who else is great? Otis The Sheepadoodle – so fluffy! Plus, his head titling is just so cute.
Penny has an unforgettable face with it being so squishy. Plus, her dog mom is the best with the chalkboard.
Lastly, these two are the perfect pointer pair. Gordie and Lylle show you just how easy it is to be the same breed of dog, yet have such different personalities.
Well, there you have it – the top five dog accounts I follow on Instagram. Thanks for visiting and if you have a pup, give them a bum rub and a treat. Okay, who am I kidding – give them three and have a treat yourself (not a dog treat though, a human treat)!!