Photos: Polar Bear Plunge
Polar Bear Plunge
The plunge – the slogan – freeze’em for a reason! Why would we jump in ice water? To raise money for a charity, of course!
This year Bryce and I decided to get each other unforgettable experiences and keep the cost down low. This was his gift to me – jumping in freezing ice water in the middle of January, in Edmonton – Northern Canada. So cold, so fun, so unforgettable, that’s for sure! We love the idea of stepping out of our comfort zones and living life together. Checking things off of our ‘bucket list’ and simply enjoying what life has to offer. Get up and get going!
You can see from the weather pictures above, it’s cold. Minus 20 degrees, yet it feels like minus 27 with the windchill. Yuck.
I’m ready – or at least I think I am. Below is my video. Enjoy.
Bryce is ready, too. His video along with our hike (I say hike because it felt like forever) back to the ‘warming tent’.
Some still photos of me.
And, some still photos of Bryce.
Overall, it was a great day – the polar plunge might be coming near you, check it out and take a dip!
The most painful part? Getting out and being super cold. The wind made my legs feel as though they were getting stabbed by 1000s of needles. Once I was dry, however, I was good. Bryce wore his old runners, and they froze as soon as he got out of the water. I had a bit more luck in my super ugly crocs – they didn’t hold onto all the water, yet they did stick to the ice a whole lot.
If you do a dip yourself, bring a lot of towels and wear water shoes that have a back (don’t wear flip flops, you’ll probably lose them). Also, the less clothing the better – clothing will just freeze and stick to you once you get out of the water.
Have fun – we sure did.
Thanks for visiting and I’ll see you again soon – oh, and stay warm.