Photos: Woof Wednesday 3.0
Woof Wednesday 3.0! Time to show off a few pictures of Daphne the Afghan hound. The best photos are the two below. A little before and after her very first hair cut. Don’t worry, we didn’t cut the hair on top of her head!
Check it out – she’s looks like a different pup, yet I assure you, she’s the same loveable Daphne! Plus, now we get to see more of her personality and expressions – she’s not so fluffy anymore (yet it’ll grow back quickly!).

This is Daphne at daycare – being a total goof! She loves, absolutely loves the pool so we got her a pink one for home. It’s much better with her shorter hair, since it dries way faster than the 8 inch hair she had before. Look at those eyes, she’s just full of personality.
All that play makes for one tired pup. She loves her fluffy blanket and falls fast asleep in no time after a good afternoon on the acreage or after daycare.
The best part about a tired pup is they learn to sleep anywhere, even in the car. She’s a car ride champion who loves having the window down, yet also curls up and tucks her head between the seat and the door and gets in some shuteye. Pup, you’re too cute.
Below, the princess is one! That’s right, Daph-Daph is already one. Time flies when you’re having fun. Such a pretty pup.
Well, there you have it, a few pup photos on this wonderful woof Wednesday 3.0! Thanks so much for visiting and I hope to see you again soon.
Looking to see more of Daphne? Check out her Instagram page for more adorably fun puppy photos. She’s changed so much in the last few months, not to mention since December when we first got her. Okay, bye for now!