Photos: Woof Wednesday 7.0
It’s Woof Wednesday 7.0 time – being in Australia for 29 days we most certainly missed this sweet pup. All four paws and two shaggy ears! Daphne came into our lives 3 years ago, so this is our fourth round of comparable photos. Bryce and I aren’t aging one bit, haha.
Also, I switched up the way I hold her in the photos. When she was younger I could easily hold her by her back legs, with my arm underneath her kneecaps, yet not any longer (or, rather, not easily!). She’s just under 50 pounds, yet it’s those long legs! Okay, let’s check out the progression photos, then some close ups of this sweet pup.
Woof Wednesday 7.0
Here you go – year one (on the very left) when we got her in late November 2019. Then December 2020, December 2021, and lastly December 2022. This year it was minus 25 degrees outside! Bryce is lucky he had his initial photo taken inside.
Daphne is quite photogenic, yet it’s hard to get a good photo of her being a hound dog and all. Her head darts this way and that, like she’s looking beyond for something to hunt and chase.
Okay, more photos of her Three Year Gotcha Day!
See – it’s like I’m almost dropping her. Ridiculous.
Here are a few of Bryce and Daph-Daph.
One thing that’s awesome about Daphne is her laidback nature. She’s honestly the sweetest pup, loving belly rubs, ear rubs, and the occasional game of chase. Not only does she have her favourite spot on the couch, she’s got a few favourite toys and enjoys long car rides. Oh, and she’s a definite hiker. All in all, we love this pup!
Okay, here are the winners we used for our comparison – she’s got the longest ears.
Well, there you have it, Woof Wednesday 7.0 – thanks so much for stopping by. Stay warm and enjoy the week!