Project: Deer Fence

Deer fence! What? Yes, we installed a 6.5 foot deer fence in May. It took us about 3 weeks from beginning to end (we worked about 4 full days, and then a couple of hours on odd evenings).
Deer Fence
Bryce had to brush cut more than 2000 feet of paths so we could get the fence in, and we gained a bit of land on the west side since the markers set back in 1970 were way, way off. Happy we got a land surveyor out to take a peek.
Okay – why the deer fence? Daphne! She’s a sighthound and will easily breakthrough the electric fence we had for Bella and Lily.
Here’s the east side path cleared – it’s 450 feet on this one side and the t-posts are 10 feet apart. Took one full day (about 14 hours) to brush cut a clear path.
On the second full day we set in the 5 pressure treated posts. The ones at the front, which will also hold the soon to be gate, had to be 5.5 feet deep. That’s how tall I am! See this face? This is the face of someone who literally can’t get out a rock that’s in the way – I can’t reach it. So unbelievably frustrating. Luckily, Bryce got it!
We used 9 foot t-posts and put them in the ground 2.5 feet, having 6.5 feet out of the ground for the 6.5 foot fence.
There you go – all installed.
We used 330 foot rolls (we had 6 of them). First, we installed all the t-posts and then did the fencing. We’d work about 4-6 posts at a time and clip as we went, that way it’s as nice and as tight as possible. Oh, and if you don’t know how to install t-post clips, check out this YouTube video.
See – you can hardly see it from the driveway.
This is exactly why we installed this added fence – look at Daphne just wandering through the property, she’s not even on the path! Nope, just making her way through the bush.
Now you can see the fence!
Well, there you have it – a fully installed deer fence.

Thanks so much for visiting and we’ll see you again soon.