
Project: Junk Drawer

Junk Drawer Organization:

Junk Drawer

Getting it organized for less than 10$. Total score. This project has been on my to-do list for quite some time and I’m happy to finally cross it off.

First, a picture of the completely messy drawer. Everything just shoved in there with no home – all feeling lost.

Junk Drawer Organization:

I wanted some containers to keep things in place and I didn’t want to spend a lot of money, so I hit up the dollar store. What I did, however, was take measurements of the drawer before I went, so I knew what I was working with. I purchased a few items and it came to 8.50$. Score.

Junk Drawer Organization:

You can see below that I got two layout options. Two long sections on the middle left or two squares – I wasn’t sure which one would work, so I bought both – all in the 8.50$ budget!

Junk Drawer Organization:

Junk Drawer Organization:

Okay, so now what.

Empty it Out

Empty out the drawer and we’ll start from the beginning.

I cleaned out the empty drawer so I could start fresh. Then, I organized items into piles. Trash, store, and keep. The trash items, well, clearly, I threw them away. The store items would be put in a shoebox in the basement – items like the baster that I use once or twice a year – that doesn’t need a home in my drawer. The keep items would all get a place to call their own in this new found organizational drawer!

Junk Drawer Organization:

Junk Drawer Organization:

Junk Drawer Organization:

Junk Drawer Organization:

Where does such an idea come from? Well, this 2013 Real Simple article! You can see it’s all about organizing your junk drawer. I saw it and thought – it’s time!

Junk Drawer Organization:

Junk Drawer Organization:

You can see below that the square sections on the left didn’t work well. Not enough room for long items like the avocado slicer, peeler and pizza cutter. As a result, I went with the long ones.

Junk Drawer Organization:

Junk Drawer Organization:

Everything now has a little home and I’m happy to say it’s staying organized.

Time for you to tackle a project on your to-do list! Happy Tuesday and I’ll see you again soon.

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