Project: Junk Drawer
Junk Drawer
Getting it organized for less than 10$. Total score. This project has been on my to-do list for quite some time and I’m happy to finally cross it off.
First, a picture of the completely messy drawer. Everything just shoved in there with no home – all feeling lost.
I wanted some containers to keep things in place and I didn’t want to spend a lot of money, so I hit up the dollar store. What I did, however, was take measurements of the drawer before I went, so I knew what I was working with. I purchased a few items and it came to 8.50$. Score.
You can see below that I got two layout options. Two long sections on the middle left or two squares – I wasn’t sure which one would work, so I bought both – all in the 8.50$ budget!
Okay, so now what.
Empty it Out
Empty out the drawer and we’ll start from the beginning.
I cleaned out the empty drawer so I could start fresh. Then, I organized items into piles. Trash, store, and keep. The trash items, well, clearly, I threw them away. The store items would be put in a shoebox in the basement – items like the baster that I use once or twice a year – that doesn’t need a home in my drawer. The keep items would all get a place to call their own in this new found organizational drawer!
Where does such an idea come from? Well, this 2013 Real Simple article! You can see it’s all about organizing your junk drawer. I saw it and thought – it’s time!
You can see below that the square sections on the left didn’t work well. Not enough room for long items like the avocado slicer, peeler and pizza cutter. As a result, I went with the long ones.
Everything now has a little home and I’m happy to say it’s staying organized.
Time for you to tackle a project on your to-do list! Happy Tuesday and I’ll see you again soon.