Project: Tipsy the Boler
Tipsy the Boler is finding her small little space in the wide open internet. As I’m sure many of you know we’ve been running a Tumblr page for all things Boler for a little over 3 years. Well, now we’re branching out.
In January we opened an Instagram account for Tipsy as a way to share content, help other Boler lovers with their projects, and to engage the community. Now, today actually, we just started to share on a dedicated Facebook page to Tipsy. So fun!
Follow us and enjoy the ride!
Instagram: @tipsy.the.boler
Facebook: @tipsy.the.boler
Tumblr: boler-3ten.tumblr.com
Thanks so much for all the love. Renovating fibreglass travel trailers is so much fun and there’s a sense of accomplishment that comes a long with it. Not to mention the shared goal Bryce and I have, then the added benefit of problem solving and working together as a team. As you can see, we don’t really like to sit still.
Tipsy the Boler is our trailer, the one we’ll most likely be keeping forever. We do, however, renovate and then sell other Boler trailers – we just like the process so much.
We hope you have hobbies in life that you’re just as passionate about. That get-up-and-go in life is so valuable, don’t underestimate your drive.
Happy Saturday and we hope you’re enjoying the start to your Family Day long weekend. If you’re into Bolers, travel trailers, or are just curious, follow along on one of the platforms above. I’ll share some highlights throughout the process here on my lifestyle blog (check out the Boler page, under Projects on the top menu), yet I won’t get into the nitty-gritty. Nope, 3ten is about baking, travelling and loving life.
See you again soon!