Projects: Guest Room
Guest Room
We did it again, we re-did the guest room. When we first moved in on November 25, 2011 we re-did the guest room quickly because we had a visitor not even 6 weeks later – my mom. Since then it’s basically stayed the same. In March of 2015 we got the windows in both main floor rooms turned into doors since one day we’ll have a deck all around the house. Then, this past fall we renovated the closet in that room and thought, what the heck, let’s lighten up this room a bit. So, here we are – sharing a few photos of our bright and light guest room.
One thing to note, I’m not the best at taking pictures of rooms in our house – I’m far better with food. Either way, enjoy!
This photo below is what the first little styling looked like – purple and teal with a small window.
Below, the before from when we moved in and the now! One day we will replace that ceiling fan, one day.
My lovely in-laws were the first to stay in the room over the holidays in December. It was so nice to share the finished room with them. We wanted to ensure the room had a lot of space and that the shelves were open enough to be used. We also added end tables (kind of a necessity) to each side of the bed with lighting. The closet is done, too, but I’ll share that experience in a different post.
The shelf with a lot more space for the guest’s items – not so full of decorations.
Just a few details.
The nice bright view – with the bed this way, the guest guests to see right out the double doors into the forested property. One day they’ll be able to walk out onto a deck, but not yet.
And that’s our guest room – let me know if you want to visit – we’re pretty fun people! haha.
Thanks for visiting the blog – see you again soon.