Projects: Halloween Treats
Halloween Treats
Yes. It’s Halloween – the holiday of candy – tomorrow. Are you ready? We are.
You know I like to make big treats for the kiddos in our neighbourhood. There aren’t that many houses on the block and, well, the driveway is long. So they should get a special treat. I never know how many trick-or-treaters we’re going to get. In 2012, our first year, I was managing a bar and I totally forgot the next day was Halloween. So I stopped at the 7-Eleven and picked up 16 full sized candy bars – that set me back just around $20! I told myself that I wouldn’t forget again, and I haven’t.
In 2012 we had about 12 people (or, I should say, 12 treats taken) and then in 2013 we had about 10 treats taken. Last year I gave out the treats and had 6 kids in two trips, total. So, this year I planned for 12. It’s so hard to say, though, since every year one or two houses around us has gone up for sale and then sold. We live in the country so it’s tough to tell if kids move in. We are set and planned for 12 kiddos and hopefully we don’t run out!
This Year
So…this year I got full sized chocolate bars on sale for 0.50$ each. Ah, score! I was inline at No Frills and the lady behind me was quite irritated when I stepped out of line to snag 12 chocolate bars from the Cadbury display. Seeing the ‘SALE’ sign I wasn’t too concerned who I irritated…plus, I was super quick and didn’t hold up the line at all.
Up next, the Gatorade. It usually sells for just under 7$ for a six pack. Not today! Today they were on sale for 3.97$. That’s 0.75$ each. So, for a total of 1.25$ each trick-or-treater is going to be fully quenched and loaded with sugar.
Oh, and I got the ghostly Gatorade, you know, because it’s Halloween and all!
So many treats!
Tie them together with bright Halloween ribbon and you’re all set.
Who wouldn’t want one of these?
Happy Halloween and enjoy the weekend.