Travel: Australia Zoo
The Australia Zoo, undoubtably a fantastic zoo. It’s expansive, well maintained, and most importantly, the animals seem very comfortable and happy. I took so many photos, yet here are a few handfuls for you to checkout. Yet first, a few tips!
Tips and Reminders
- Bring snacks – you’re allowed to bring your own food into the zoo.
- Refillable water bottle – they have fountains in a few spots, so be sure to fill up!
- Sunscreen – bring it, since if you forget it’s expensive to buy inside the zoo.
- Visit early – if you’re there in the summer, be there around open, you’ll see more animals before it’s too hot.
- Check out the show times – if you’re wanting to see the performances, review the schedule and plan around them.
- Lastly, for an extra 2$ you can get a sneak peak of the Wildlife Hospital – go for it! I’ll share photos in the next post.
Okay, now that I’ve shared some tips, time for some animal photos!
Australia Zoo
First up, the koala – this guy was a tad sleepy. The zoo has koala bears in about 3 different spots across the zoo, so be sure to check out your map if they’re a favourite.
Up next, the tasmanian devil – look at this guy! He’s unbelievable and he’s got those distinctive white lines, which, if you didn’t know, are unique to each individual. The markings are usually found on the bum and the chest. I didn’t know this, but found out after reading the sign that these little devils have poor eyesight and they find food primarily by smell.
At the back of the park is the ‘Crocoseum’ which hosts many different shows. And, in the building to the side is a space where Robert Irwin’s photography is displayed.
What you’ve been waiting for – crocodiles!
Crocodiles are neat, but I like turtles better.
Check out lemur island – so beautiful!
Now, a few odds and ends. A fancy bird (and a cool plant!), a tiger, and an Asian elephant.
Last, but not least, the giraffes!! They have so much room to run around and play, it’s a great spot for them. You’ll spot a few zebras, and some rhinos. Oh, and a lazy meerkat doing the opposite of what meerkats do.
That’s it, that’s all! The Australia Zoo is a great place to spend the day – happy travelling!