Travel: Gallery of Modern Art
Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It’s stunning. The gallery won’t take you very long, maybe about 60-90 minutes, unless you like to really take your time. A few modern pieces were also at the Queensland Art Gallery, and some of the same artists were represented. But, the best part, is both are within walking distance. Grab a snack, a coffee, and enjoy the afternoon looking at art. Sounds amazing! Okay, let’s check out some of the installations.
Gallery of Modern Art
This art screen was quite neat. The images moved across the screen in a non-patterned way, highlighting the following we sometimes do – I had to read the gallery card to understand the artists point.

I like the paintings below – they’re fun, fresh, and contrast the dark wall. Plus, I flat out love strawberries! Modern art is fun, although it doesn’t always make sense, it’s still cool.
Here’s a peak into the Air exhibit – not too exciting from our perspective.

And here is another by the same artist that did Air.
If you saw the post on the Queensland Art Gallery, then you probably recognize the artist below. I really like these pieces, if the message resonated, that is.
Oh, the walk around the second floor highlights some pretty special views of Brisbane. Check out the bridge!

Lastly, the Air show was also on, however, we could see some of the pieces from the entry and it didn’t look that interesting or intriguing to us, so we passed. If you do visit the gallery of modern art, we hope the exhibit is worth checking out!
Even if you don’t venture into the Gallery, check out the surrounding area, since you’ll catch a glimpse of this elephant headed into the ground.
Thanks for stopping by and happy travelling!!