Travel: Kyoto Aquarium
The Kyoto Aquarium is an awesome place to spend a few hours. From the jellyfish wonders area – it’s wild, you should check it out – to the penguins, there’s a lot to see. Plus, it’s fun!
Okay, let’s check out some photos.
Kyoto Aquarium
First, the Kyoto Aquarium is open 365 days a year and costs about $23.00 Canadian. We spent about 2 hours here, but that was a leisurely visit. Blocking at least 90 minutes is a good plan. We walked from our hotel which was across the street from Kyoto Station, and it took us about 15 minutes. The aquarium is in the middle of a massive park, so worth the stroll.
Okay – can you find the fish? I’m not sure about you, but I kept thinking some of these fish were rocks!
I love the photo above – it somehow reminds me of waters in Ontario – seemingly boring, yet full of colour and life. Okay, now for some of the colour you might expect from an aquarium.
The jellyfish wonder is a neat place – you can see the techs doing science things and they have signs in English, which is helpful to understand what’s going on.
I think jellyfish are some of the most interesting creatures around – they’re so neat.
After we spent a bunch of time with the jellies, we also visited the penguins.
These guys had a lot of personality – marching, waddling, and eating. They were fun to watch, too.
The massive tanks are often impressive, yet for the first time we saw some of the eels being really active – some of them even looked like they were ready to fight.
Okay, here are the eels. See the two in the back?! They’re like twisting around each other.
It’s in this last section where all the bright fish are hanging out – take a look at some of these beauties.
Well, there you have it – the Kyoto Aquarium. Be sure to check it out if you’re ever get the chance.
Happy travelling!