Mori Art Museum

Travel: Mori Art Museum

Mori Art Museum

The Mori Art Museum wasn’t on our original list of things to do in Tokyo, yet when we checked out the Tokyo City View we thought, ya, let’s check this place out. So, we did after dinner one night and we’re so happy we did. Some pieces are interactive, which is so much fun. Okay, photo time.

Mori Art Museum

First, the interactive piece. Shells was the first art installation we experienced after admissions and it’s so awesome. The attendant was walking around in it, just as we were welcome to do – watching them provided us with a welcoming experience – the invitation wasn’t posted or conveyed in any other way than watching and then doing. So cool.

Mori Art Museum

See the room to the right? Let the interaction begin!

Mori Art Museum
Travel Japan

So much noise!

Up next we saw some interesting piece from various artists from around the world.

See the one that looks like random sea garbage all compacted together? Sad, eh? I can see a croc, bottles, cans, and many other plastic items. Yucky.

Mori Art Museum
Mori Art Museum
Travel Japan
Mori Art Museum

Up next is a piece on disturbance – having to do with the history of pearls and the oil industry.

The whole Our Ecology exhibition is worth checking out, yet also takes a lot of reading the descriptions to get the full meaning of each piece. There are times when the written words don’t pull me in, so I simply move on and don’t force it. With the pearl piece below, it was the opposite. Art is about the experience and everyone has a different one, yet all valid!

Mori Art Museum
Mori Art Museum
Travel Japan

Now for a collection of things I simply found neat.

Mori Art Museum
Mori Art Museum

Over 18 million visitors in 20 years. Wild! I’m so happy we checked out the Mori Art Museum. If you’re in the Roppongi neighbourhood of Tokyo, check it out.

Travel Japan

See you again soon – happy travelling!

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