Travel: Museo de Arte Moderno
Museo de Arte Moderno – the Mexico City Museum of Modern Art! It’s worth the visit, from outdoor sculptures to colourful paintings, this place is awakening! We spent a couple hours in the morning checking out the pieces and enjoyed the cool walk around the grounds. Check it out if you have time.
Museo de Arte Moderno
There is a cost to enter – roughly 5$ Canadian, and well worth it. Oh, and the museum is free on Sundays! We couldn’t visit on the Sunday since we were at the Mexico City Grand Prix – yahoo! My suggestion is to start inside, see the paintings and smaller sculptures, then make your way out into the gardens. That’s what we did and the context around the pieces from inside helped provide a foundation of understanding for some of the outdoor works. Okay, let’s check out some photos!
The museum is located right off of Paseo de la Reforma and it’s easy to walk through the park or catch an Uber – they were painting the large black sculpture when we visited.
Okay – here are some of the indoor pieces.
After we checked out things inside for a bit, we sat and watched the painters paint the black piece out front – you can see they’ve got it barricaded off a bit. All the decor, from benches to lights were fabulous pieces of art!
Up next, the outdoor sculpture garden.
This piece below is beautiful, but the other side looks like a massive bomb. We were Uber-ing back and forth through the park earlier in the week and we could see the back of the piece through the fence. I racked my brain trying to figure out what it was – so much cooler than anything I could have thought of!
Well, there you have it – one Museo de Arte Moderno – Mexico City’s Museum of Modern Art! Be sure to check it out if you’re ever in CDMX!
Thanks for stopping by, happy weekend!