Travel: The Royal Palace Phnom Penh
The Royal Palace in Phnom Penh is well worth the visit – the colours, the beauty, the clear blue sky that seems so ridiculously in balance with the gold is well worth the time. Your camera will also love you. This place is right around the corner from the National Museum – visit both in one afternoon and you’ll feel so much richer. Here are some of my photos of The Royal Palace Phnom Penh.
The Grounds
The buildings are so intricate and delicate that it seems like you must have been invited to tea by a queen. Well, this is where the King of Cambodia lives, so it’s fitting.
That’s us – it’s so hot out at this point I’ve already showered twice and it’s only 2pm. The Royal Palace closes each day for lunch, so be sure to check out their hours and visit when they are open.
The Detail
These trees are amazing. I need a gardner.
The Hope
Okay, this one is odd. All around many religious sites we saw people had written their hopes and dreams on plants. Doesn’t that seem a bit odd or unfair to the plant? It turned me the wrong way, yet I just don’t have the back story. Some people wanted boyfriends, or for longer days. Happiness is a good one – that’s a good hope.
Well – I hope you get the chance to visit The Royal Palace Phnom Penh sometime in your life. It’s peaceful and quite while being beautiful.
Thanks so much for stopping by. These bright sunny pictures certainly make me miss long summer days – it’s November here in Northern Alberta and the sun comes out around 8am and heads to bed again before 5pm already. Thanks again for visiting and be sure to check out other travel posts – where do you want to travel to? Up next I’ll be sharing our trip to paradise. Until next time – bye!