Travel: Tokyo Snapshot
Tokyo Snapshot – yes, we’re in Japan travelling for a little under two weeks and here is a little peek into our time in Tokyo. From ramen to temples, and even some hikes, we most certainly had a good time! Okay, let’s check out some photos.
Tokyo Snapshot
Busy streets are filled with a whole lot of energy. From bright billboards to crowded crosswalks, this mega city is clearly go-go-go. On our first night we visited a few landmarks and took in some people watching and subway riding.
The next day we went for a hike outside of Tokyo – Mount Takao. It’s a bit of a train ride out of the city centre, it’s worth it if you have the time. It was nice to get back to nature after a long flight from northern Alberta.
We also visited Tokyo Tower, a few museums, and the observation deck at a few tall buildings. Check out how packed and dense the city is – it’s wild! Do you think the country Canada has more people than the city of Tokyo? Nope, we don’t! Tokyo has more people than Canada has in it’s whole country. Wild, eh!?
The city is that dense in every direction. As you might remember we visited Toronto back in August and one thing we most certainly noticed on this trip is the lack of highways. Obviously the subway system in Tokyo is far superior and heavily used, all while being the preferred method of transportation. Most lines run every 3-4 minutes and during rush hour, the trains are packed. Like I said, a lot of energy!
We also enjoyed some quieter time and visited some temples. Visiting in the morning gave us an advantage with smaller crowds and more authenticity.
All in all, we’re having a wonderful time in Japan. Thanks for checking out this Tokyo snapshot and we’ll be sure to share more about our travels soon.
Bye for now! Safe travels.