Photos: Woof Wednesday 2.0
Woof Wednesday 2.0
The perfect little day to share some adorable picture of some of my favourite pups and to share a silly one of me and Lily. I did a Woof Wednesday post last year and I like them – it’s just a little pick-me-up mid week.
As most of you know, we said goodbye to Bella a month ago – that was hard. What’s been so fun, though, is learning more about Lily and seeing how much she loves attention, the word R-I-D-E, and how much she sleeps. I had no idea, honestly, how much she loves car rides. She runs around the car in this hyper dog like fashion and then loves to stick her head out the window just as long as we don’t go faster than 60 km/hour. She’s a cutie pie!
This is Lily and I on the deck last weekend – her head is so big! We were lounging in the sun and anticipating Bryce’s arrival home – then we went for a car R-I-D-E and got some take-away at a local restaurant. Friday nights at our house are awesome.
Classic Great Dane pose – big stretch and great time for a high-five.
Her favourite toy – and this Christmas Bryce’s parents got Lily the same horse, just smaller – it’s like we have this little family of stuffed horses. Lily loves it.
Time to lounge around and just enjoy this comfy bed. Lily is a sure keeper and loves to paw at you for attention. She keeps guard on the deck when the sun is out or she’s in the shop ensuring that all runs smoothly with Bryce and his woodworking.
Miss Lily-cat, we love you! Happy Woof Wednesday and give your pup a treat.
Thanks for visiting – see you again soon. It’s April, can you believe it?! Summer and long nights are almost here.