Project: Boler
Something new and exciting is happening here at! About 2 years ago we purchased a 1972 Boler – a fiberglass vintage trailer made in Canada.
It’s awesome.
We are resorting it to fit us. Totally custom. Totally rad.
The process is long, complex and more work than either of us thought possible; however, once you start you can’t really go back. You could quit, but where’s the fun in that? These two pictures are what she looked like in the beginning. We’ve only taken her on one trip thus far – the snowy white one in late April – welcome to northern Alberta. The in-depth nature for which I wish to share all of this knowledge with you is too much for my blog. It would turn my blog into a ‘boler only’ site and that’s not my intent. I still want to keep what it is – a lifestyle blog about cooking, baking, sewing and project making…oh, and eating of course! As a result, I’ve selected a platform from which to share all of our boler info – tumblr!
Tumblr will host our adventures of the restoration, the road, and all the ridiculousness along the way. The address?
Check us out and follow if you’re on tumblr – I’ll answer all the questions you have and share our story along the way.