Project: Fireplace Reno
Fireplace reno! Back in 2015 we swapped out our never used wood burning fireplace for a gas one (that’s when we got a gas stove, too). What we didn’t do, however, was fully decide on how to finish the fireplace. That decision took over 4 years, yet here we are – fireplace reno time!
Back when we were trying to decide we went back and forth so many times – stone to the mantel? Stone all the way up the wall? Dark stone, light stone? More wood? Nothing felt just right. So we didn’t rush the decision and made it work. All we did in the interim was cover the fireplace with cedar.
Then, last summer Bryce had an idea – what about a huge white slab?
Yes! Love it!
So we did our research and we got started. First, we picked out a great quartz slab – we looked at about 150 samples until we found the one we loved. It didn’t take too long and I brought snacks, so we had fun!
We took the mantel down since we want the slab to fit up nicely to it without gapping.
Took 3 guys and about 2 hours to install – it’s heavy!
Then we put everything back together and ta-da – it’s done.
The living room is so cozy and bright now, we absolutely love it. And, we’re so very happy we waited until the idea felt right. It’s such a nice modern contrast to all the cedar.
Such a warm and inviting space. Movie anyone? Nope, let’s just watch Ozark and eat popcorn. Yes, please!
All in all, our fireplace reno went well and we’re happy with the results.
Well, there you have it. A little before and after of our fireplace reno. Home decor is so much fun, especially when you wait it out until you get things right.
Thanks for visiting and we’ll see you again soon