Project: Plants 4.0
Plants 4.0 – check out how big some of our houseplants are getting! A while back I shared a project about plants and the little guy below was all stringy. Well, now, he’s bunched up and full of life. He recently got a spring cut, just to keep him healthy.
Okay, let’s check out some of these houseplants – especially compared to the original post, the 2.0, and the 3.0 – plants rock!
Plants 4.0
This guy on the left was a Christmas present to Bryce a few years ago (I think 2018) – just something small I picked up at home depot for around $4 or something. I’m shocked at how big it is – it’s wild!
Plus, it’s propagating – I love plants!
These elephant feet are getting big, too. It’s interesting when you have plants, they don’t seem to be getting any bigger, since I see them every day, yet the this elephant foot has had 2 pot upgrades!
With large plants like this, they need a lot of space – our fire stick has gotten so much bigger, check it out a few photos below.
The money plant below you might recall from plants 2.0 and plants 3.0, yet now it’s massive!
Here are a few others that were original to the older posts – they’re coming such a long way!
Our ficus, the first plant we bought when we moved to Edmonton in 2009 is now a full grown tree. Also, the fire stick above is so tall – and has bright pink tips.
A couple more of my favourite plants. I just love how they reach towards the sun – they know what they want and they go for it!
Well, there you have it – plants 4.0, the perfect way to kick off a season full of longer, brighter days. Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon.