Project: Stay Home
Stay home – with everything that’s going on right now, staying home as much as possible is best. I know that Daph-Daph loves when we’re home.
So, what to do? Recipes! Projects! Sewing! Things that move to the back burner…travel planning (and you know how much I love travel planning).
Okay, I’ll share with you three of my favourite things to do when I’m home – something to feel productive, something fun, and something to eat. I mean, snacks. Who doesn’t love snacks?
Stay Home: Favourite Things To Do!
- Clean out the Junk Drawer
- Take photos of birds
- Bake up and use those frozen bananas
Look at all that junk! I did this a few years ago (okay, maybe more than a few), yet it does continually collect and collect. Even if you don’t have any organizational trays at home, you can still clean it out. That phone charger from 2016 probably isn’t serving much use to you right now.
Head out for a walk and take some nature photos – or, if you’re like us, fill your bird feeder and just take photos through the windows. Look at these blue jays! They’re so big, and there are so many of them. And boy-oh-boy, do they love peanuts.
Lastly, after all that you’ll need a snack. Snacks are the best. Bake up some banana bread and use up those frozen bananas in the freezer that are taking up all that room. How many do you have? I only have 2 right now, yet I’m in the process of blackening more to bake a big batch of banana bread. Can’t wait!
Well, there you have it. Three good reasons (in addition to the obvious ones) to stay home. Hope you’re all staying safe and staying positive. I’m off to do laundry and have some lunch. Spicy pickle grilled cheese, anyone?