Project: Turing 30
Turning 30 – that’s right, my husband turns 30 today! We are going to celebrate in style.
This is the third time we will spend his birthday on the road, and the second time our destination is my family in Ontario. This guy is awesome. He’s not high maintenance in that he doesn’t need a special day all about him – he wants to just spend it with me. His kindness, however, shouldn’t go without a little celebration and special attention, right?
So…what I’ve come up with is this:
You’re 30! Which means 30 gifts, one every 30 minutes!
Time to spoil you all day long.
Now, before you think “wow – that’s a lot of money” hear me out. Bryce is getting 1 expensive gift (his main one), a handful of special items that don’t cost too much, two handmade things by me, and the rest are travel treats! It was easy to fill the 30 gifts with some healthy treats because we are on the road and it’s all part of the adventure.
Turning 30
The shorts on the left, those are my favourite. Bryce cleaned out his closet about a month ago and he had this old pair of pajama pants, the flannel bears. I took them and turned the fabric into a pocket on a white pair of shorts I made him. Let’s just hope they fit!
Some other items I got him: socks, classical CDs for when he’s wood-working in his shop and a DVD set of one of our favourite shows that we can watch while we’re on vacation. See, I’m a thinker!
Once I had the idea I picked out 4-6 special things I for sure wanted to get him or make him and then added in some things I knew he needed and would eventually get anyway (like socks).
From there, it was time to shop. Looking for deals and hiding everything in the house. My main hiding spot…dare I tell? No. haha.
Then, once all items are purchased, time to plan. You can see from my list, I organized everything (mainly for the border guards…because we will be crossing into the United States mid trip) so I didn’t give him all food or boring items 3 times in a row. I weighted down the ends, of course, with the two most special gifts being at the beginning and at the end.
Time to Wrap
Once that was sorted out, it was time to wrap. The best place I found for wrapping paper…don’t think I’m weird…Staples. They had this huge roll of craft paper for 14$! Score. It’s 300 ft long. Again, score.
All of the wrapping alone took me about 3 hours. I put on a good movie and went for it. Think he’ll feel special? I certainly hope so.
Thanks for visiting – and be sure to celebrate the one you love and make them feel special, too!
See you soon.