Project: Yoga Fix 90 Progress
Yoga Fix 90 Progress
Yoga fix 90 progress. Yes, I’m sharing photos of my yoga progress in hopes that you, too, will have some fun on the mat.
First, let me say that it takes a lot to share these, yet I’m also proud of the progress I’ve made. It all started with Lesley Fightmaster and her YouTube channel. I struck gold. Right now I’m working on her Yoga Fix 90 and today is day 74 for me. I haven’t missed one session. Nope, not one.
The best part is I do the yoga at home, in my own space, and it’s so full of light and peace. Don’t get me wrong, going to the yoga studio is great – and I still go, it’s just that often they’re not running a class when it fits into my schedule, or it’s a bit of a hassle to drive there and drive back (one of the small downfalls of living in the country). By doing my yoga at home, I save time, money, and most importantly, I practice more which allows me to be in-tune with myself. I’m so happy and balanced. You should try it!
Okay, when I took the before pictures I forgot to take a picture of my ‘studio’ – my 27 inch Mac is on the far desk and provides all I need – teacher and sound. I have a lot of room to move and I’m not stuck in my basement. The view from the loft is beautiful – the front yard is full of trees and during the day usually so much sun. I’m lucky.
Below I’ll share 6 poses and show the progress I’ve made in 10 weeks. Yes, I’ve done yoga every day for 10 weeks – and I’ve got about 3 to go. Who am I kidding, I might never stop!
First, the forward fold.
I’ll admit, I thought my progress was a lot further along. It’s funny when you picture what you’re doing in your mind and then see yourself. I was a bit disappointed, so I’ll keep practicing. Heart to knees – heart to knees – just keep repeating, heart to knees.
Next, pigeon. This pose I’m so proud of! What a difference in my hips…and now this pose is one of my favourites.
Soon I’ll be able to do bird of paradise, you just wait!
The shoulder stand.
It’s a little more difficult than one would think.
Side crow. Oh, and I decided on my after that I would try to extend my leg for the first time. Pretty cool.
Also, don’t be fooled by the before photo, I’m falling on my face, not doing the pose. You can see the lack of stability in my core and in my flailing left leg.
Regular crow – try and hold it for 20+ seconds.
Wheel. When I do this pose I feel like a perfectly shaped wheel, clearly my knees disagree.
Thanks so much to my lovely husband for taking the photos, I appreciate all the love and support. Also, thank you so much to Lesley Fightmaster for making yoga so accessible and for having so much variety on her YouTube channel. Amazing!
Thank you, too, for visiting and letting me feel confident enough to share. See you again soon!