Recipe: American Thanksgiving 2020
American Thanksgiving 2020 is here – we had decadent potatoes and chicken, yes, a little different, but oh, so good!
So, what are you cooking up tomorrow for your American holiday feast? Anything special or traditional favourites? I’m a sucker for mashed potatoes and turkey – heck, I’ll even take a second helping of potatoes over pie. What? I know – I will!
Okay, let’s get cooking. Here are the three recipes I used for this little family dinner.
- Sous Vide Chicken
- Duchess Potatoes
- Fall Salad (well, with a twist – new recipe coming soon)
Check out these potatoes – they are fluffy and rich. The perfect combo.
And the chicken? Sous vide? Yes! It’s tender, full of juiciness and although it looks pale when you take it out of the water bath, you can quickly fix that with a quick broil.
Oh, and let’s not forget the salad – although I did a few substitutions on this one, this recipe is delicious, too. This salad, the one below, is hearty, fresh and full of textures. From roasted beets to salted pistachios, it’s a flavourful and filling salad – try it!
Serve up and eat. The great thing about cooking the chicken and duchess potatoes is that you don’t need gravy. Don’t get me wrong, I love gravy, yet sometimes I just don’t have the desire to make it. Silly, I know – yet on this dinner occasion it worked out.
Well, there you go – one little feast fit for two. Happy American Thanksgiving 2020. I hope you have a wonderful holiday, spend time with family and stay safe! Oh, and don’t forget to eat up and help yourself to seconds on potatoes, and pie if you’re up for it!
Augh, now all I feel like is pie – time to bake up I suppose, haha! Okay – thanks again for visiting and I’ll see you again soon. Bye!!