Recipe: Canadian Thanksgiving 2019
Canadian Thanksgiving 2019 – that’s right, it’s time to give thanks, spend time with family, and eat some delicious food. Fall usually feels like a new year to me – shedding the old, making way for the new. Or maybe it’s because of school – both as a student and as a previous high school teacher.
Either way, the fall, September and October, feel like a new beginning and Thanksgiving fits so well into that theme – being thankful for life and family.
So, what are you cooking up this Thanksgiving weekend? This year we decided to flat roast a chicken and spice some things up Mexican style. Here are some of the recipes for this year’s dinner.
Canadian Thanksgiving 2019
This flat roasted chicken is so moist and juicy all while being cooked through. Don’t eat all the skin before your guests arrive!
The best part about celebrating Thanksgiving just the two of us is all the left overs – so good. Those potatoes won’t last long, though!
Look how delicious that roasted chicken looks! I think for the American Thanksgiving I’m going to try the same technique of taking out the backbone and flattening the turkey. I’ll for sure share how it works.
The mashed potatoes have some vegetables in them, too – so don’t worry about going back for seconds.
Now it’s time to make a plate of food and eat up – looks so good. Those brussel sprouts sure are spicy. Let’s get eating.
There you go – a full on Canadian Thanksgiving 2019. This meal only takes about 2 hours to prep and cook. Don’t hesitate to ask family to bring a dish – no sense spending all of your time in the chicken when you could be catching up and visiting with family.
Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you have a wonderful day. Bye!