• Avocado Campfire Mash: 3ten.ca

    Recipe: Campfire Avocado Mash

    Campfire avocado mash – this was our breakfast on day one while we were camping in Glacier National Park in Montana. So fun! I called ahead to see what I could bring food-wise across the border. I couldn’t bring meat or eggs. So, we stopped at the St. Mary’s Grocery Store, yet they were out of eggs. No…I was going to make Guac-Eggers. Bummer. I’ll have to make them another time. What I did find, however, was this smoked chicken breast and it’s gluten free…

  • Black Bean Bombs: 3ten.ca

    Recipe: Black Bean Burger Bombs

    Black bean burger bombs are a take on my black bean burgers. This time, however, we stuff them into onions and cook them over the campfire! They’re going to be super good and full of flavour. I made them ahead of time then put them in the freezer – that way, they help keep the other foods in the cooler cold. Then, in the evening, after we’ve set up our campsite, just in time for dinner, they’ll be unthawed a bit and ready for the…

  • Projects

    Project: Boler

    Something new and exciting is happening here at 3ten.ca! About 2 years ago we purchased a 1972 Boler – a fiberglass vintage trailer made in Canada. It’s awesome. We are resorting it to fit us. Totally custom. Totally rad. Boler The process is long, complex and more work than either of us thought possible; however, once you start you can’t really go back. You could quit, but where’s the fun in that? These two pictures are what she looked like in the beginning. We’ve only…