Travel: 2 Days in Airlie Beach
2 days in Airlie Beach, Queensland, Australia. It’s a beautiful little city with some great hikes and a peaceful mindset. If you’re in the area and looking for some rest and relaxation, then checkout Airlie Beach!
2 Days in Airlie Beach
First up, where to stay?! We stayed at the Airlie Beach Eco Cabins for a few reasons. It’s adults only, it’s off the beaten path, and is a single dwelling unit that offered a lot of privacy in nature. We had a lot of rest and relaxation on our 2 days in Airlie Beach. Check out this sweet little cabin!
Wild birds and animals flocked from all places to the property. The cockatoos were the best – they would show up each day around 2:30-3pm after the owner put out some seed. The brush turkey, however (the guy on the bottom right) likes to chase the pretty cockatoos away and hoard all the food for himself. He’s no fun!
It’s a great little place to say!
During our visit we took a few walks and hiked. The biggest hike we did in Airlie Beach was Swamp Bay via Mount Rooper. Hiking counterclockwise gives you the best workout, and puts the hardest part of the trail first. Checkout the view!
We also enjoyed a sunset and an early evening walk on the boardwalk. Hearing all the birds, watching the boats in the water, and just taking our time strolling around, it’s awesome.
Airlie Beach is a calming and quaint place to stop if you’re ever in Northern Queensland. Be sure to check it out, bring a book and enjoy the sun. Oh, and if you’re into snorkeling, you can also access the Great Barrier Reef from here, but we liked Cairns better for the GBR.
Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you again soon. Happy travelling!